- Course information (closed, open, trolleys a can be found via the “Baan Status” or via telephone 070-5117846 or at the restaurant (greenfee sales counter) 070-5178899.
- Course lay-out, local rules, handicap system etc. can be found under “Baan“.
- The driving range has tee-off places with an artificial grass variety, half of which have the benefit of a roof, allowing practice in all weather conditions. In total there are 16 tee-off places. The range-ball dispenser is activated with coins which can be purchased at the bar/sales counter in the Clubhouse.
- the Pitch and Putt facilities are situated near the 18th green: six short holes and a large practice green. This is the ideal spot to fine-tune your short game. (NB: it is not permitted to use driving-range balls on the P&P facilities). In addition to these facilities a dedicated practice bunker and practice green (no chipping) are located near the entrance of the grounds.